Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Commentary on The Lone Star's post

I am writing this post, in response to The Lone Star's post entitled, "Bring an end to Deportations". I completely agree that there is a problem with deportation and immigration in America, specifically in Texas. USA Today wrote an article last summer about 250 Mexican immigrants (mostly children) crossing the border in Mission, TX. The amount of people rushing to the Texas is at times almost overwhelming; we as a state do not have the capacity to take care of these people, specifically children. When we tried to house these children in a facility until the government could find homes for them, the conditions were horrible and many children died. We have to then ask ourselves, are the conditions here really that much better than those in Mexico? Yes, they have an extremely low minimum wage and low housing quality. But, when a lot of these immigrants come to the United States they spend most of their time trying to escape from the government. With being an illegal immigrant, they cannot find proper work and therefore in the end might not make that much more money than they would in Mexico.

While I agree with The Lone Star, that their is a problem with deportation of people trying to come to America to make their lives better. I do not know if keeping everyone here is the best choice possible.  As a country we need to come together and discuss this problem, to find the best action possible for everyone.

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